Saturday, February 27
Highs in the 50's ...... springtime!
Today was the first day it has felt like Spring (and I have been able to be out in it)! The whole Deitering clan (girls included) got out and started clearing off a fence-line that was overrun with very large weeds and small trees.....It was a muddy, muddy, muddy mess, but we got the weeds and trees down. There is a whole bunch more manual labor involved before our yard is not the mud pit that it currently is, but.....we put a REALLY big dent in it today. We are all feeling it too, I'm pretty sure the girls are gonna hit the hay quite early tonight.
ANYWAY back to springtime! Sooooo, pretty much the only reason I LOVE springtime is because of all the new babies (animals) that appear. Baby bunnies, goats ..... I know babies are had in the other seasons of the year, but they are cuter if they are born in the Spring.
(all pics are from Flickr - search baby bunnies & goats)
SEE!!!!! SO cute! Anywho, thought I would share the cuteness with ya! Have a great night everyone, hope you had a great day!
Oh and I am super happy that Hawaii was spared from the BIG waves, and am very saddened at the loss in Chile. The earth is groaning.....
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 7:26 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 25
Laundry....piles and piles of it!
A little secret of mine ..... I like doing the laundry! I like gathering up about 3 baskets of clean clothes, sitting on the floor with them around me, putting on a good movie, and then go to town. Piles of nice, clean, organized laundry. Now putting away the clothes........well I don't count that as doing "laundry", because I don't like putting them away. hehehehee.
I know clothes lines aren't practical, but this pic makes me want a clothes line real bad.....just to take these kind of pics. I know, I know....I'm weird like that. :)
Nope, this isn't my laundry room, but it is super pretty, so I thought I would post. I had a bunch more pics, but they were saved to the wrong place and didn't make it to the sorry.
What is going on over in Mandy Land..... I have been matching up fabrics and getting ready to start sewing like a mad woman on our "critters" for Hello Ladies, AND some new dolls in our "Something" line. (they all have S first names and Something is their last name....Sammy, Sally, Suzie....etc.) It's gonna be fun. Matching up fabric is so much fun AND such a pain, I love it.
Sammy is currently on vacation in Texas with my parents, visiting family and friends, dropping off his girlfriend Sally..... I'll have pics when they get back Monday or Tuesday, this will be a whole segment! Sammy was my first "Something" and he may end up traveling the world and getting pics made with people.
This is for you Krystle, but I saw this over on VioletBella's blog and I thought of your "space" issues!
OH and Janel is doing a super neat giveaway over at her blog in honor of having 400 followers! So check it out and enter yourself!
Gotta get back to sewing, but I thought I would stop for a moment and let you peak into my world. ;)
Have a great night everyone!
PS and BTW - HelloLadies made their first ETSY sale!!!!!! WooHoo. Ironic as it sounds, but our first etsy sale item was actually the first onesie we ever made......(twilight zone music) ..... creepy. :)
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 7:55 PM 2 comments
So Cute Giveaway!
There is some amazingly cute stuff up for grabs......
Have a great day everyone!
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 10:04 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 23
Friendship Month!!!! My BFF Jess
National Friendship Month is in full swing, but I have yet to join in, so I am going to start with my very BFF Jessica.
We've been friends since I moved from Colorado, back in 98, but we didn't become really good friends until we both started to plan our weddings at the same time for the same year. Our hubbies were room-mates so we ended up spending a lot of time together. Once married we lived within a couple of miles of each other and we dealt with the fun of 'newlymarried' life together.
She calls me her brain, and she helps me not be a hermit and breaks me out of my comfort zone quite regularly. Always bursting my protective 5 inch bubble of 'do not touch me' space.
:-) She is very much the sister I never had!
Another shared passion is crafting/art - me the crafting and her the art. We've had the most amzing nights crafting and talking about the future, or stupid movies, or random weirdness....they've been good times.
OH and we share a love of twizzlers!
She is an amazing woman, and my life would be dull and boring without her in it! Such a woman of God and an inspiration to me on an everyday basis.
We also have a passion for Jessica coloring my hair.... as you can see throughout the pics and the years.....hehehheee!
I love you Jess! You are totally my BFF!
(and we both love Twilight....heheheee)
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 8:19 PM 3 comments
Be on the Lookout!
Okay so I found this pic a LONG time ago on Flickr and TOTALLY forgot to put a link with it, so now I am on the hunt for the original pic. IF you happen to come across it....please let me know, I need to get in contact with it's owner! thanks!
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 3:12 PM 0 comments
ahhh - the weekend
so sorry about not posting this was a weekend of highs and lows. Friday I spent most of the day working on Hello Ladies business, and getting things together for the inventory photoshoot on Saturday. On Saturday we rocked out an AMAZING photoshoot with our models Jess VonD and Jordan B (you girls were absolutely perfect). I will get those pics uploaded VERY soon.
Saturday afternoon, me, Sarah, Krystle and Jessica headed to HotSprings and ate at Rod's Pizza Cellar......the best pizza, and then did a little shopping at TJMaxx and a few resale stores, got some great finds! Had a Ladies Craft night at church and then got home ..... and was sick .... all .... night....long. I think realized that I ate a pizza completely covered in pork products (which I am suppose to have NO pork according to my blood type diet) ..... yeah.... it was not a good night. I woke up at 4 am still sick, but around 7 - I started to feel better and got dressed and headed to church. I did okay at church, but couldn't stay too long after, because I started to feel icky again. By 9pm that night (after a 4 hour nap) I was feeling much better! AND this morning I am at about 93% ..... so YAY!
I finished a super secret project for my aunt.....which I can't so pics of, because she will totally snoop and find out what it is, I think she will get the present Thursday and I will be able to show you some pics. She is gonna LOVE it!
SOOO many project to work on this week, it's a great thing I am feeling better! Wishing you all a happy work week!
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 8:52 AM 3 comments
Friday, February 19
caution: busy weekend ahead....
As promised here is the collection of fabric I bought last weekend at an estate sale......I am so excited about diving in. :)
I forgot to tell you that Brand surprised me with roses on V-Day, they were in my office at work/church when we got there Sunday morning....super sneaky, sneaky.
I finished another baby quilt top! Woohoo, though I will say, the pink corduroy in this quilt was the devil! I would have had it finished sooner, but UGH, that stupid stuff was hard to sew straight....oh well, it turned out cute. (pst - it also has houndstooth, so it is extra cute)
The other day I posted places I would like to "get away" to over on the Hello Ladies blog, and I just wanted to feature the Low Impact Woodland House over here on Just Mandyness. Brand has always talked about wanting to building a house in the side of a hill or something like that, and I've always blown him off, but if we could make it look like this.....where is my shovel? :)
I am not "green" by any stretch of the imagination, but this house is AMAZING!
I have a super easy project I am working on, and I will show you as soon as I have time to take pics, I saw it over at Violet Bella's Blog and I had to go get one.
Gotta run! Alot to do before the HelloLadies PhotoShoot tomorrow.
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 2:23 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 16
good times
Soooo - I promised pics of the Star Wars Diaper Cake that I made for a friends Baby Shower a few weekends ago ...... and they are finally here! It was super fun to make and create.
I also finished another one of my Style School Projects - a Buttoned Dog Collar! It was SOOOO fun to make and I even got creative and embroidered her name! She hasn't been around the house for me to put it on her, but I know she will LOVE it!
I am currently working on the new baby quilt I showed pics of in one of the last posts....yay me! OH and on Saturday I went to an estate sale and bought a literal ton of fabric! I was super excited and even more excited when I got it all organized tonight......organization is my friend.....sigh. I have a pic of all the fabric I bought, but it didn't make it home with me....sorry.
Did you know it is National Friendship Month??? Well in the next week or so I will be sending out some love to my friends so be sure and check back. There will be a lovely post about each and every one of my business partners and best friends.....the ladies.
Have an amazing night everyone!
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 15
Neat-O Giveaway over at VioletBella's Blog
LOVE her blog and Etsy Shop
You should totally head over there and check out her giveaway and show her Etsy Shop some love!
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 14
My Guy: Brand :)
"He may not be a movie star, but when it comes to being happy, we are"
He is the biggest Goob you will ever meet, drives too fast, reads Popular Science, watches Holmes on Homes, and sometimes you can't understand him because he is a mumbler, but is he ever ... the love of my life.
Our Song describes us perfectly
"I love you More Today than Yesterday" by Spiral Starecase
I don't remember what day it was
I didn't notice what time it was
All I know is that I fell in love with you
We have the BEST times together, he truly is my very best friend, we can talk about anything, laugh about everything, tease each other without getting our feelings hurt ... :-)
He is generous, loving, faithful, honest, can fix pretty much anything, helpful, loves God, loves the kiddos, handsome, cute ..... :-)
He tolerates mushy movies, doesn't like to watch sports (thank you Jesus), he can bake, clean house, move the yard, fix the pool, listens to Tone Loc and watches the Twilight Zone....
I love him....more today than yesterday...but not as much as tomorrow....
Happy Valentines Day Sweetie!
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 12
Yay for Finished Projects!
Today I finally finished my first baby quilt!!! WOOHOO! Well, technically my second, but I'm not counting the first one.... It has some uneven lines, and some odd puckers, but I think it is pretty good for the first!
I'm ready to start on the second one, which has some pretty amazing fabric!!!
The 'Sweat Shop' is overflowing with Critter parts, ready to be put together as soon as I have the inspiration to make their faces. Which I hope to have this weekend sometime.
I have been eyeballing these cute Bandana Dresses for a couple of months now, and after completing the quilt......I think I am ready to start on something a little more ambitious. They tell me this is a 15 minute dress......we shall see.....This bandana is what I want to use, and here are a few examples of what I want it to look like...
And then one day........I think this is very neat! -link-
OH - I also got my homemade marshmallows in the mail from the FoodSnob on etsy.....they are amazing! I will be ordering from there again!
I am also pretty excited about taking this online class, it is going to be such an awesome experience!
Valentines Day is Sunday....also Krystle's birthday.....gonna have a super special post on that on....Sunday.
That's all for now! Have a great day!
Posted by Mandy Deitering at 2:44 PM 5 comments
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