Tuesday, October 13


It has been a crazy couple of months over at my household. Going here, doing that, and it doesn't look like it's gonna stop till after the new year. So....I'm just hanging on and enjoying the ride. For those of you who don't know, my best buddies and I have started a business called "Hello Ladies", we make crafty goodness! We officially started selling our stuff in August at a church function, but this past weekend we were able to participate in Old Fashioned Day here in Benton. We set up our little 10x10 booth before the break of dawn and then waited patiently for the crowds to come....well they came, but not in the big number that the event had seen in the past. It was a whopping 51 degrees all day, with no sun, and lots of wind, needless to say we FROZE our butts off, but we had so much fun it didn't really matter :) We still made some moolah, got our name out there and made some contacts for another show or two. SO YAY for us....we are still believing that one day soon we will own our own shop and be able to craft the days away and help others become "crafty" like us....

chat at cha later!